The Connecticut Association of Educational Opportunity Programs (CAEOP) is a statewide volunteer organization committed to promoting post-secondary educational access and retention for populations traditionally underrepresented in higher education. We assist middle school, high school, and college students, as well as adults returning to school.
Members of the organization are made up of teachers, counselors, and administrators working at all levels of education, as well as other professionals who are committed to the principle and promotion of equal educational opportunity throughout Connecticut. We form coalitions with organizations and individuals who have an interest in advancing educational opportunity programs.
In addition to our direct assistance to students through academic support, advising, mentoring, and financial aid and career counseling, CAEOP members provide information and resources to individuals and organizations interested in promoting equal educational opportunity among leaders in education, practitioners, public officials, the media and others.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about who we are and what we do.